EXL Never Gel with Cetane Boost 947ml Bottle
Lowers pour point to -53°C/-65°F
Prevents fuel line freeze-ups down to -°C/-40°F
Prevents fuel gelling and icing
Improves cold starts
Boosts cetane up to 5 points
Adds lubricity to reduce injector maintenance
Add to the fuel tank before every fill (use before and during freezing temperatures).
Recommended treatment rate (1::1000): 947 ml or 32 Us fl oz treats 947 litres/250 US gallons, 470ml or 16 oz treats 470 litres/125 US gallons, 118 ml or 4 oz. treats 118 litres or 31 US gal, 236 ml or 8 oz treats 236 litres or 63 US gal.
*Lowers pour point to -54 °C (-65°F) Prevents fuel line freeze-ups down to -40 °C/F
*Military grade moisture dispersant
*Boosts cetane up to 5 points
*Adds lubricity to reduce injector maintenance and Improves fuel economy
*Maintains fuel spray pattern
*Reduces combustion noise
- Cuts emissions and black smoke
- Extends fuel storage life
- Improves cold starts
- Enables the fuel to travel through the filter at temperature -20°F/–17˚C below the cloud point
- Sulfur content of this diesel fuel additive does not exceed 15 ppm
- Extends Engine life
- Prevents rust and corrosion in fuel system
- Never Gel with Diesel Cetane Boost is safe and effective in all diesel engines: Tiers 1 to 5, semi-trucks, pick-up trucks, farm equipment, and autos. These include but are not limited to Ford Power Stroke, Dodge Cummins, GM Duramax, Saab, Volkswagen, and Audi. The product is effective in #2 diesel blends up to B20. Not recommended for biodiesel blends containing more than 20% biodiesel (i.e., B100).
Minimum recommended product storage: -20°C (-4°F). When added to diesel cold pour properties are activated.
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Sales outside Canada are possible throug mail
info@exlcanada.com - sales@exlcanada.com